drink this way


  • 1.Where can I access the newest information about Hulucat Tea & Mocktail?+

    Our website will update new information very often but as well as that, we have an instagram @hulucat_mocktail that you are welcome to follow and can interact with us!
  • 2.Can we do school sponsors?+

    If you are a school or university close to our branches, and there is a school event of some sort and would like our sponsor, you can email hulucat.office@gmail.com to discuss.
  • 3.Is there discount for a large order? How long in advance should I order?+

    If you are interested in making a large order for big events such as weddings/ gender reveals or parties etc.
    You will need to pre-order at least 2 weeks in advance. By emailing
    hulucat.office@gmail.com  as we have professional designers to personalized the venue design and discounts for large orders.
online order
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